Wednesday 27 February 2013

Wednesday Service 27-02-2013

We hope you had a pleasant week, but regardless of how your week has been, a much needed dose of heavenly replenishment and refreshment came again in the form of the weekly Wednesday Bible Study at HOTR.

It started with a round of intercessory prayers led by Brother Ifeanyi Nwose, declaring that the presence of the Lord was in the house and imploring us to invite Him to take charge of the service.
The talented, inspiring "De Masterpiece" was up next with a brief worship session led by Sister Anita, with the song, "Holy: I will lift up my voice and I will sing holy..."

Next, opening prayers were said by pastor Peter Anya, which declared the service officially open.

"De Masterpiece" was up again for the praise session, led by Brother Ufuoma Efekhodo, with songs like "My desire is to please you," "Lord we glorify you and we lift you up," " Be glorified." The second and longer worship session was led by Brother Direction, with the song "I will come and bow down at your feet Lord Jesus," then, "Bow down and worship Him," "I love you Lord, and I lift my voice."
Brother Paulnams took over and continued the worship session, starting with "Lord you reign forever," and ending with "God is a miracle worker."

After that uplifting praise and worship session, announcements were made by Brother 'Buchi Ezedum. He started by welcoming everyone to church and proceeded to mention that the first "Early will I seek thee," program for the year starts on  Friday, March 1st at 6;30 a.m., the week of Divine Intervention also starts on Friday, March 1st, with prayers everyday from 10 p.m. to midnight (except on Saturday) till the end of the program on March 8th. The first "Woman 2 Woman" program will take place the next day, Thursday, March 2nd by 5 p.m., Newcomers were welcome and told of the regular programs of the church: Sunday Services - 7:30 a.m., 9;30 a.m., and Wednesday Bible Study, 5 p.m. The congregation was informed that this coming Sunday, March 3rd, will be a communion service, and all our hearts should be expectant as we come to church that day.

At last, it was time for the Word to come forth and touch someone's heart.

This week's message was given by pastor Dexter Ekpe, an associate pastor in HOTR Asaba.
After appreciating the senior pastor, our host pastor, Cosfinney N. Udoka who was unavoidably absent, he continued with his message, titled "How to spark up your life."

He started by saying that a true church of Christ should be lively, active, full of power, and aura. Any church that is otherwise, is not a church of Jesus Christ.

The first passage he used was I Timothy 6 vs 17. We should not trust or depend on our riches, we should depend on God instead because He has given us all things to enjoy, richly.

Christianity is supposed to be a journey of pleasure and happiness, not the sad tale that a lot of people, Christians included believe it is. This misconception has eaten deep into the fabric of the church to the extent that a lot of Christians have given the devil the pleasurable things of life, instead of enjoying them like God intended. He used the example of Illuminati, a word that has been twisted by the devil even though it means "Children of light," and was mentioned in the Bible. The television, internet, etc., are examples of what we have left for the devil to twist and make evil, instead of being the pioneers of these things, as Christians.
Enjoyment is all encompassing, everything you do should be enjoyable and pleasurable. There is nothing like enjoyment without happiness, happiness is the key essence of enjoyment. We are spirit-beings, and so physical things do not make us happy by themselves. Relationships are more important to us, and that is why when the key relationships in our lives are not working, we are not happy. The enjoyment that God wants for us is tied to relationships, we need them to properly function as human beings. No human being has the capacity to exist without a community, God made us that way. We need to play by the rules of life and community so that we can be as happy as God wants us to be.

Romans 14 vs 17: "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (KJV)."
This passage is talking about three kinds of relationships: Righteousness- our relationship with God, Peace- our relationship with men, Joy- our relationship with ourselves.
When these three types of relationships are intact, true happiness takes place, and when one or more of them are missing or malfunctioning, happiness is absent.

Ways to spark up your life:

1. HAVE THE SPIRIT OF CELEBRATION. Always celebrate yourself, life, and other people wherever you are. You can do things by maintaining a constant reminder of the good things that have taken place. It is easier to remember the bad things and times, but they steal your happiness and do you no good. Build a life that is immune to sadness, nobody should be permitted to make you unhappy. Unhappiness makes you unhealthy, physically and otherwise.

2. QUIT CONDEMNATION AND REGRET. Romans 14 vs 22. God is against self-condemnation. Regret is not a healthy and happy way to live, do not regret everything. Instead, celebrate the things and people in your life, like your family members,  pastors, bosses, lecturers, etc.

3. LEARN TO TAKE A REST. Exodus 31 v 16, 17. If He who is never tired, symbolically rested and was refreshed after He created the earth, why shouldn't you, a human being rest?
Mark 6 vs 30, 31. Jesus also instructed His disciples to rest because He knew they needed it.

4. DO NOT PERSONALIZE FAILURE. A Chinese proverb says, "A man who knows how to laugh at himself first, will never lack pleasure and entertainment."
Failure is just an event, not the whole story. You made a mistake, but you are not the mistake. If you fail in an endeavor  stand up and try again. If you dwell on that moment of failure, you loose the ability to try again.

5. DO NOT DEPEND ON OTHER PEOPLE'S ENDORSEMENTS OR CONCEPTIONS. You know yourself more than other people do, you are your best endorsement. You will not be happy if you do not define your identity. Do not allow any man to define success and progress for you, you should do that for yourself if you want true happiness.

6. ALWAYS LEARN TO APPRECIATE. No one is self-made, there was help in one form or the other. You should endeavor to appreciate all those helpers and thank God for them. You should also learn to say "thank you" and be grateful for the little things. God is the first one you should learn to appreciate, even for the seemingly little miracles and blessings.

Light is always stronger around the source of contribution. It is more blessed to give than to receive, you can not always live your life on other people's contributions. No man is truly happy without contributing to other people's lives in one form or the other. If you live your life for yourself, you will die an illusion. If you live your life for others, you will die an institution.

In conclusion, he asked the congregation to ask God for the right spirit, to do things that will help us live as richly as God intended.

Pastor Anya rounded up with reminders of some earlier announcements, the taking of tithes and offerings, and the benediction.

Monday 25 February 2013

Welcome to HOTR Asaba online News Room

Get up to date events, current happenings and fill the spirit from House On The Rock, Asaba. 

Galatians 2:20.... I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.